Thai yoga massage level 3- module advanced and stretchings

In this course we will examine how to consolidate and structure the basic principles of Thai yoga massage, extending the spectrum of practice to the various forms of stretching exercises. We will discover dynamic techniques that increase the flexibility of the body and facilitate the flow of energy and fluids to restore health and well-being. (especially beneficial and effective when treating recipients who don’t do a lot of exercise, who don’t listen to the body, who don’t know how to relax, let go and abandon the body in receiving treatment, and who tend to have rigidity).

We will examine the 4 postures visited in the basic course including stretching exercises to activate and open the various energy lines of the body. We will focus once again on the importance of maintaining correct posture, working with the gravity and weight of the body, with the help and guidance of the breath and we will focus on the more precise work of the energy lines. We will also study some of the main pressure points located on the lines to treat and alleviate common symptoms. This will give the student a better perspective of how to give good treatment, greater safety and allow you to work more effectively and precisely on different types of bodies.

The course will be provided with all the theoretical and practical material relating to the course.


– Further information on techniques and extensions for the treatment of energy lines.

– dynamic work to treat the body from feet to head, which allows us to have a first complete contact, to activate and relax it in preparation for the complete treatment – use of feet, elbows and knees to treat the various types of better and more bodies effective

– Perform fluid and fluid transactions between the various body postures

– Work in a lateral position with dynamic techniques and stretches to treat back pain

– Energy points to relieve common symptoms.


– Feet and ankles treatment

– Treatment of the energy lines of the legs

– Hip release exercises

– Treatment in a lateral position

– Treatment in a prone position

– Treatment in a sitting position

– Neck manipulation